Thursday, September 13, 2007


Heh... after being inspired by Mr Gordon Yeo's post of 17hrs per week as well as the proven track record that he passes all his papers with relatively excellent results.... this is the plan.

Monday - Friday:
8am- Arise
9am- Work
6pm- Leave work

7pm- Dinner + TV (My house)
8pm- Study
10pm- Send Xuefeng home
11pm- Computer games
12am- Quiet time
1am- Sleep

7pm- Dinner + TV (Xuefeng's house)
8pm- Study
11pm- Go home
12am- Quiet time
1am- Sleep

7pm- Exercise
8pm- Personal time
10pm- Computer games
12am- Quiet time
1am- Sleep

7pm- TV
8pm- Study
11pm- Computer games
1am- Quiet time
2am- Sleep

9am- Arise
10am- Personal time
11am- Study
1pm- Lunch
2pm- Contract bridge / Study + Pick Xuefeng
7pm- Dinner
8pm- TV
9pm- Study
11pm- Go home
12am- Computer games
1am- Quiet time
2am- Sleep

9am- Arise
10am- Church
1pm- Lunch
2pm- Free & Easy
12am- Quiet time
1am- Sleep

I like my plan... now, it's just sticking by it! If I get my drive to... I will achieve 15 ~ 20 hours of studying weekly! Coming anything close to this is all I need!

For those who still don't know. I intend to take 4 modules this Dec. With nothing much to distract me, unless I really get a job change.... this should be attainable. Start now... or NEVER! There is no more tomorrow then start excuses anymore.

Last thing. I really did like studying back in my JC days. Always and still do... think that a hardworking MengYang is super charming! hahaha

1 comment:

sh said...

hi there, i'm sheren .. stumbled upon your blog when i was googling for CFCC. mmm just wondering if you could help me out... what days & times are the services? i couldnt find the info online...
also...(dumb question incoming) it only for youth?

thank you-s